Sunday, January 10, 2010

How risky is to take risk...

Well certainly when you read the topic of this blog.. one thing will definatley come in your mind is the fear of uncertainity. 'Fear ' , yes this is the word which aften comes from nowhere when we talk about 'RISK'. To take risk we must have prepare our mind to take the word fear in a positive manner. By postive manner i mean , Fear should be such that it should propel us to take more risks and act as a catalyst to our endeavour to become an Entreprenuer. Interesting , all of a sudden we came about discussing Entrepreneurhip. If you ask me that is there any difference between an Entrepreneur and Risk, then probably i would say NO. To me Risk and Entrepreneur are Synonymous words. Some may differ with my opinion .. i agree. Well there will always be some advocators and opponents to everything. Coming to the point , Risk always provide us the chance to explore the new oppurtunities lurking. It gives us the courage to go an extra mile in whatever field we are taking risks may it be business, sports, adventures etc provided we overcome our so called fear. So it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is risky to take risk. So if you have that much courage to take risks then go ahead , unearth your heed oppurtunities.take risks , leave fear because " darr ke aage hi jeet hai ". I like this sprite add very much.